The logo is one of the key aspects of an organizations visual identification. You know the public through him. Recognizable logos are mostly simple, minimalist shape however they manage to express this or that concept. The logo is recommended to be practical, original so that it can be easily adapted to different platforms. In short, the logo must be both conceptually and practically intriguing. So far it all sounds a bit simple, however the process of creating a logo can be quite complicated, so Elevation offers 6 fundamental tips to help you in the design process.
1. What are the unique features of your business?
Be specific when describing your business. Your goal is of course noteworthy however if you are not able to articulate it as well as match the design, it becomes very difficult to attract people to this industry. It would also be good to describe why your particular company stands out in this or that issue and why you should trust the customer to you.
This is important because such judgment can help you to use the most important elements of your organization and visualize them. Graphic images, color palette, and typography follow this thought process.
2. Is your logo memorable?
One of the tests you can use to test the effectiveness of logos is as follows: Take a look at this or that sketch and try to draw it as accurately as possible. If the task is too complex your logo might have been unnecessarily tangled. For example: Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp logos.
3. The aspect of colors
Before we dwell on the color choices, lets first find out what you want to focus on. What are the aspects and variables of your strengths and how can you express them? It is well known in marketing that different colors make different impressions in different contexts. Your color palette should capture this.
Do you know the organization to which this logo belongs, can you understand their approximate motivation with the colors? Given the colors, this organization is more likely to focus on the environment. Green is mainly related to energy and nature, while blue is related to innovation, water and sky.
This is the logo of Conservation International, whose main mission is to protect and conserve the environment. Graphic designers have also strategically selected appropriate colors.
4. What will your logo look like in 5 years?
Or even at 10? Or in the 20s? Trends change rapidly so organizations try to use modern tactics to not lose their audience, and in relation to the logo it means a long "term." Flat design focuses on minimalist principles in 2D. For example, using a light color palette and a light color palette with simple shapes is visually appealing. While flat design is also a trend most web designers believe it will not go out of fashion.
5. What kind of visual will your logo have on different platforms?
Creating a logo tailored to different platforms can be a daunting process. Graphic designers should also keep in mind that the logo will be different from the online print, as well as that it will appear differently on a different background, with a tagline. Additionally, color connotations may have different meanings in different contexts.
6. Is it possible to simplify your logo?
Simplicity is one of the main aspects of logo design. Separated lines, minimal details, limited colors and consistent typography will make you remember the customer instead of confusing him. You might think that many details need to be visually reflected in your logo design, however simplicity is the cornerstone of any high-end logo design. Today it may not sound intuitive as every brand tries to somehow attract attention, however simplicity is crucial.
Logo design takes time and observation. The purpose of the logo is to make a good first impression, intrigue the audience and visualize your company. Hopefully these tips will help you put these goals into practice!