Your brand encompasses more than just your logo.
As a brand you are in the process of actualizing certain ideas, visions and normative assertations.
this can be done consciously as well as unconsciously. Any steps you take in your life are reflective of your values. When you step into an organization this fact remains a constant.
Working process
We spend at least 7 hours every work day of the week attending to our duties in some organization or another. Despite the fact that we might be fatigued or too preoccupied with certain tasks, each and every one of us is responsible for our acts, desires and goals. They are up-to-us.
It is, then, natural, that from this viewpoint, to comprehend the fact that your brand is not a label for some alienated company. You choose everyday to work where you work, thus this decision speaks on your values. Now, this does not mean that if we do not work in the best possible companies that we are somehow exhibiting inferior values. On the contrary, people who work in the worst types of businesses in order to advance their vision of an ethical world are doing a very important service to the humanity in general. Your principles, values are what matter not where, when or in what circumstances you reveal them (as long as you do reveal them).
In a world where brands change their identity every minute in order to sell whatever services or products they are willing to sell to their customers, there is a need for rational decisions regarding what you need in your life. Only by answering this question diligently do we understand the role an organization is better equipped to play in our lives.
A brand might not always reflect your personal philosophical ideas and evaluations, but you can most definitely, tautologically, change what is up-to-you for the better.
Only after such an analysis is the moving on to instrumental and effective methods justified. These methods have to be understood in relation to their end-driven background. Substituting methods for ends is the definition of being unprincipled and having hollow values.
After some mulling over the aforementioned issues you can begin to wonder about the sort of tools you would have to you in order to make your brand more successful. It is worthy of note that success is directly intertwined with Ethics. A brand like Nike is considered successful but it has horrendous ethical violations. A life which imposes slavery for the sake of popularity is not a life worth living. And neither is the brand in any real sense successful.
If you can deliver a valuable and a reliable product to your consumers, then your brand ought to be consistent, memorable and portable in order to attract the type of people you are looking for.
How memorable is your brand?
Whenever you ask a stranger about the brands they are familiar with they usually name the same few brands. That is, presumably, because those brands have had an influence on their lives. It would not be surprising to find out that the influence is usually negative (unethical working conditions, illegal activities and generally immoral activities are all too prevalent among these brands).
With that said, some people might find that charities are the companies which are immediately recognizable to them because they have lived a live that would be suitable for that sort of impression. Attracting a customer is not a one way street and despite the fact that it is not up-to-you, you probably have had the opportunity to send different kinds of signals to them.
It is quite difficult to become well-known and recognizable in a certain industry, but with the help of artistic capabilities and theoretical reasoning (the latter provides the backbone for the former) you can become more distinguishable in the eyes of the public and develop a trustworthy relationship with them.
Side-note: Consistent messaging will make you more identifiable for your target audience.
How portable is your brand?
According to Firespring how portable your brand is defines the limits between relatively insignificant and some serious growth.
In the case of a customers giving recommendations to their acquaintances regarding your company you have a significant opportunity to experience some real growth.
Consistency, thus, becomes an important aspect in this regard, since people might become confused if they have different notions about your brand, its values, missions and messages.
Side-note: You can use small catchphrases or one-liners in order to explain to your audience who you are and what you stand for. Which will pave the way for further messaging.
How consistent is your brand?
One of the most important parts of branding is the consistency with which one puts it out in the world. Considering the steps described above, the better the users understand your brand the more likely they are to trust it (as long as you conduct your business ethically). That is why using messaging as an instrument and deploying pinpoint signaling is a good idea.
If someone visits your website they should be able to identify your band. If this does not happen they might not be able to distinguish your brand from others in unofficial settings or they might not remember it at all.
Side-note: One of the best ways to address this is to isolate the type of problem you want to solve for the community, the methods you are willing and able to use, in addition with the results you can offer to your customers.