MyGO specializes in website design and development while trying our best to share our experience with you. Our services are oriented towards graphic design as well as hosting (by the way we have an 80% christmas sale right now)
Additionally, our organization is centered around ethics and it is imperative for us to follow what we think are appropriate standards in relation to our work.
In order to share these thoughts and captivate our users it is vital that we create an online environment which is conducive to an engaging atmosphere.
There are some standard, elementary principles, which almost all sites have to follow in order to seem appealing. Otherwise your voice, ideas or creative vision is prone to be swallowed up.
This type of approach is especially evident in this field as a lot of things are dependent on first impressions, visual elements, smooth navigation, etc.
This is all connected with intuitive use; Humans rarely want to make complicated decisions while surfing the web, thus it is recommended to simplify varying aspects of your website
Common mistakes
Weareimmediate had been observing small and medium sized non-profit companies in order to isolate variables that hindered the garnering of traffic, the attraction of donors and the retention of workers.
Mobile adaptation: It is very essential to have a responsive website as Google will rank you down depending on your parameters. SEO is one of the main factors for popularizing your organization and as such it is important that you approach this issue cautiously.
Picture quality: No one likes reading walls of text (except philosophers) so using interesting and trendy pictures as well as graphic guides is not the worst idea. You can find some stock pictures on Unsplash or Pixabay.
Intuitive navigation: Users on your website should be able to find information about you quite easily (such as your mission, projects, donation page, contact page). This should be done in such a way that they are able to navigate in a free-flow manner from one page to another, from one topic to another.
Cases: It is generally a good idea to post your previous works on your main page so your potential customers know what they are dealing with and how diligently you take your responsibilities.
Clear and direct mission: Tell your loyal followers about the ideas you want to reify, about the general goals your organization has, its place in the business world. How are you trying to embody your values? What kind of tool is your online business for you? Questions and enquiries like this will help you better understand the nature of your organization.
Strong social-media presence: At the very least you should be active on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Try to re-share any type of news you put out on all platforms, or if you have the time, post application specific news.
Main page design: Your landing page should not be too complicated, it should not confuse the users. Post any important information in a concise manner, so it will be easier for them to absorb it. You can check out any of our projects for inspiration.
Blog and News: These two are crucial for business development. More specifically they are a vital part of SEO. Additionally, they will allow you to contact your users, share your thoughts with them, and discuss important details as well as other similar things.
General overview: Concrete details are of course quite significant but your users will perceive the website in its entirety and will, likely, make evaluative judgement based on that perception. It is also worthy of mention that specific details might be without noteworthy issues but the fuller picture might leave things to be desired. In this case you are gonna have to reconfigure your overview.