?> Audience: Behavioral analysis - myGO

Audience: Behavioral analysis

Audience: Behavioral analysis
11 January 2022     5860

Audience: Behavioral analysis

First of all MyGO wishes you a happy New Year!

We are offering you another one of our blogs. This time it will be focused on marketing.

Marketing 101 teaches us that any successful campaign has to start with the enquiry into the needs of your customers.
However, simply conducting a research of any sort is only a part of the equation. Observing your audience in real time, on the other hand, allows you to develop additional insights in this sphere.

According to Jessica Skewes, from Kanopi, noticing problems like navigational issues are very important. It is also quite significant to understand what kinds of decisions your customers are making: what they are pressing, if there is any potential content or a function that could be implemented which would assist them.

There are more detailed tools and methods of research which will help you get to know your audience. Direct and indirect sources can be combined to make up an UX which will leave the visitor satisfied.

Different paths

Direct feedback

Whenever one wants to find something out, the best way to do so is usually by straight up asking. Posing questions to your loyal followers shows them that you are actually interested in what they have to say. Obviously, it is for the better if you make this process as easy and painless as possible: focus on the smaller, more contained questions. You can implement a survey on your website or you can ask the following types of questions directly:

  • For what reason are you visiting the website?
  • Have you found what you were looking for?
  • Can we offer you anything on top of that?

You can conduct a survey with the help of Hotjars functions, which uses a pop-up system.

For larger surveys it is recommended that you use SurveyMonkey. It allows you to ask specific questions to the segmented parts of your audience, as well as get additional insight from the stakeholders. Typeface also has a few variants with an intuitive admin interface, speaking tone and an intriguing interface for the customer.

Whenever it is possible Kanopi also recommends that we conduct 1-1 interviews. These conversations will help you get at your followers motivations, interests and their interactions with your website.

Interviews also have an additional advantage. You can ask in-depth questions regarding any of the topics that you have outlined beforehand as you see fit. Surveys on the other hand offer you a more template version of approaching your audience.

Indirect feedback

Hotjar also offers you methods of indirect feedback, heat maps, session recordings and conversion tracking among them.

Heat map allows you to see what your visitors are pressing and how much attention they pay to each element. For example, with this function you can test the location of CTA buttons. This will help you realize which links are more effective; in turn making your website better organized. The more traffic you have the bigger the chance that you collect important information.

Use recorded session to zero in on the speed at which individuals carry out certain actions on your website. Are they pausing? Hesitating? With this approach you delineate some common pathways and avoid serious problems.

Conversion tracking will help you comprehend the biggest issues with your website and when your customers leave your site because of them (if they do). This will help you with structuring your website, which in turn affects conversion rates.

Start doing behavioral analysis today!

It is understandable that conducting researches and surveys takes a lot of time and resources. But as those resources are turned into great opportunities for your online business you should probably orient yourself towards making these commitments.

Building your website on the foundation of research and insights is the best way to develop a closer relationship with your target audience. Additionally you can offer them relevant content, optimized navigation and a consistent brand in order to entice them even more.



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