Social media has started to play larger and larger roles in an average humans life as years have flown by. Both personal and business spheres rely on this medium heavily.
For organizations social media is a tool to acquire a reputation or otherwise it is used for story-telling. Both of these ends are subordinated to a larger end of making the business more popular in order to profit maximize, or attempt to at the very least.
Preferably this is done while providing the customer with an adequate product or service. The more ethical companies sacrifice profits in order to make headway on this front.
The users themselves come across different services or products through social media, so it is not surprising that it has become more influential as time has gone by.
In order to have your organizations voice heard you have to develop a strategy in regards to your (potential) customers. Firesprings Molly Coke is offering us 5 tips that touch upon this very subject; which we will further discuss.
1. Content
Just being active on social media is not enough anymore. Almost everyone, everyday, is drowning in the sea of ads that desperately tries to get their attention.
The vast majority of the world is told what they should drink, which cigarettes they should smoke, which car they should drive, what kind of clothes they ought to wear, etc. This has become so prevalent that even politics is colored by these impressions. Political parties sell "identities", which are adopted by their constituents.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the brands toe the line in regards to traditional thinking about marketing. Contemporary ironic approach to brands does not actually entail any meaningful change; It is enough to simply complain on social media or re-share a post addressing some problem and simply go about your day.
In such an environment it becomes quite important to provide your followers with authentic content. It is generally prudent to aim most of your content towards those who are already familiar with your products or services. But some part of you work should also address potential newcomers.
As for the form of the content itself, it is better to use graphic art or images in order to keep the concentration of the user sharp and not bore them. Videos are not too bad either, but they better be short and intriguing. No one wants to watch 15 minutes of ad footage about a brand they don not know about. And neither do they want to spend time on 5 minute videos every other day.
2. Interaction
After delivering on the content there are additional steps you have to take in order to optimize your social media presence. Posting is only the first step, you should establish a certain type of relationship with your target audience.
Usually questions result in far more content interaction than general statements. It is also a good idea to share some of the post from your user provided they are relevant. One of the most common causes of unliking is being ignored by the page admins.
3. Brand characteristics
Your posts should have a distinct feel to them in order to become more recognizable for your target audience. It is recommended that you get your followers used to your vision and tone of voice. Speak to them on your own terms but be an attentive listener.
You can ask yourself the following questions: