We have shortly discussed these two, and their importance, in the previous blog . We would like to return to the topic to offer a more in-depth analysis of the tone and consistency, as well as how branding influences your online business.
Being original with regard to how your website works or appears is quite a tall order. Even if organizations manage to be genuinely unique, that comes at a cost of losing segments of their audience. Consequently, there are not a lot of incentives to go down this road and usually companies stick to established norms.
Whether you aim to be unique, or otherwise try to fit in, this blog will still be relevant to you. The above-mentioned elements play a vital role in terms of refining the website as well as attracting more visitors.
Presenting a product that mixes the tone and the consistency in a systematic manner will help you paint a picture of your organization.
Branding and its delineation
Branding includes just about any element that is associated with your company, be that content, design, accessibility, functionality, tone, etc. these factors coalescing into a coherent form make your organization more memorable and comprehensible.
SEO is a pretty big thing for us, since it determines whether your website will be noticed at all; however if visitors cannot get what they want, or if they do not understand what your deal is - what you do - all the hard work, or resources, put into SEO are wasted. With this in mind how branding fits into the larger picture is more intelligible.
Especially if you have, or work at, a graphic design company (or in any adjacent field), since whether people can remember you, recall a few details about your work and have some sort of impression about it plays an monumental role in terms of your growth.
For example, if design trends are your thing, that should obviously reflect on your website. Too formal of a tone, outdated design elements and a dry narration creates an unpleasant contrast.
Also, better avoid redesigning your stuff too often. A lot of companies have lost huge chunks of their audience, reputation, and expansion opportunities as a result of that habit, especially when it comes to ground-up renovation. Stick to incremental changes and periodic integration of new features. This way users have enough time to acclimate to a change that is, in principle, easier to swallow, while you get more time to receive some feedback.
Different Factors
Tone and consistency sound way too abstract when they really are not. For instance, whether the visitor is going through your website because they wanna read some blogs, or otherwise are looking for certain products/services, if you keep changing up your approach and they way you present your content they are likely to get confused. This will make navigating your website and pain, which naturally results in them leaving it altogether.
Whenever someone is using your website they are learning how you utilize your patterns for future use. That does not have to entirely deliberate or even conscious - we all do it. If you handle this step well, even if they come across some problems they will, in all likelihood, find it easier to circumvent them.
Different folks are better geared for different tones. The older folk usually like a more professional, clean-looking interface. Teenagers, on the other hand, like when you keep it groovy and light.
The effect of consistency
Consistency is not just about navigation and branding but content as well. That entails both its quantity and quality. Just take into account the fact that staying really active will result in the quality taking a hit, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
Some users are all about the fluff and daily news. They do not want to wait a month just to hear something from you. Make sure you understand where they are at, devise a content strategy and then move on to the rest.
This business is all about trust, so make sure not to put out any false or misleading information out there. One misstep may cause you to lose a huge chunk of your audience.
Moreover, if you frequently write blogs, then eventually, you are going to have to reuse old content, or address the same issues, topics. This is actually a pretty decent opportunity for you to understand this or that topic better. Plus, the potential to grow like that gives your more loyal customers a reason to keep coming back.
Additional tools
In order to better understand how your organization and its content you could try cutting out the snippets of your content in order to compare them with your competition. Or you could simply ask someone who is not really familiar with your website to do that for you, since you are already used to regularly navigating it yourself.
On top of that, you can test your content (or design depending on how regularly you modify it) frequently, but make sure to prioritize usability tests and proceed from then on.
Furthermore, if you settle on something that you think should be central for your organization then make sure to follow up on it with concrete practices. E.g. if you choose ethics then accessibility, information about the topic and the way you deliver it should be key for you.
Organizational values are not conjured up in isolation, things you hold dear others might not be excited about. Which is why you should come up with strategies together and make some compromises, too.
We recommend coming up with a hierarchy of values so your team can refer to it whenever internal dilemmas arise because of the conflict of values. Might want to represent it somehow (whether that means blocks of text, images or general reminders) so the members can refer to it if the need arises.
To sum it all up, tone and consistency help you deliver a product that is a complete package. It is imperative for online businesses to come up with strategies that reflect their aims, as well as help them develop closer professional relationships with their customers.