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Mistakes in branding

Mistakes in branding
16 May 2023     1889

Mistakes in branding

It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of creating a new logo, choosing a color palette, and designing a website. However, there are many common mistakes that businesses make when building their brand that can hinder their success. In this blog post, we wanna pick a few of them out so as to give you the heads-up.

Branding is kind of hard to get at, since there are so many variables at play and it is generally an understudied domain. People are, for the most part, winging it and seeing what sticks. Anyone trying to sell you some magic formula is certainly a charlatan.

So we are mostly going to stick to the safer options and give a few reasons here and there as to why you ought to be on the lookout for a particular problem. With that, here are some basic mistakes you might be making:

Mistake #1: Not Defining Your Brand

One of the biggest mistakes businesses make is not defining their brand. Without a clear understanding of your brand, it is impossible to communicate it effectively to your target audience. Your brand should reflect your companys values, characteristics, and goals. Take the time to define your brand, and then make sure that every aspect of your marketing strategy, from your logo to your social media posts, more or less aligns with it.


Trends come and go, but your brand should be something beyond these temporary fads. Focusing too much on current trends can result in a brand that quickly becomes outdated. Instead, focus on creating a brand around the ideas and values you find genuinely compelling for good reasons.

Mistake #2: Inconsistency

Consistency is key when it comes to branding. Your brand should look and feel the same across all channels, whether it is your website, social media, etc. Make sure that your logo, color palette, and tone of voice are consistent across all channels. This will help contribute to the first steps in terms of building brand recognition and trust with your audience.

You are only going to have so many shots at getting some strangers to memorize what you are about, even subconsciously. So do not waste these opportunities by dissolving the unity of the brand into distinct multiplicities.

Mistake #3: Target Audience

Your brand should speak directly to your target audience. If you do not understand your audience, it is impossible to create a brand that resonates with them. Take the time to research your target audience and understand their needs, wants, and pain points. Use this information to create a brand that speaks directly to them, not some abstract idea of the audience in your head. People have specific needs, wants, want to avoid concrete things, etc.

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Also, it is impossible to please everyone, and trying to appeal to a broad audience can dilute your brand. Instead, focus on a specific target audience, as well as its specific segments. Your audience is not a single giant monolith, you gotta learn how to reach different portions of it. Which will in turn help to build brand loyalty and help with laying the foundation for professional trust.

Mistake #4: Low Quality Design

Your brand is the face of your business, and investing in professional design is generally worth it. A poorly designed logo or website can make your business look unprofessional and untrustworthy. You might be thinking that substance is more important than style... and it absolutely is. But, getting people interested usually relies more on style. However, depending on the type of audience you are garnering, they might only wanna stay for the substance.

Also, do not try to be something you are not. Instead, be true to your brand values and personality. It is extremely obvious when companies go down this route. It smells fishy, the company immediately takes a hit in terms of trustworthiness, and most importantly, it is counter-productive.

Mistake #5: Ignoring Your Brands Online Reputation

In todays digital age, your brands online reputation goes a long way. Make sure that you monitor your brands online presence and respond to any negative feedback or reviews. In an understanding and warm manner - that should go without saying.

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Outline concrete criticisms and take specific steps to improve on your weaker areas, by doing things such as creating more valuable content, engaging more adequately with your audience, and addressing any issues quickly and professionally. If and when you mess up, just in case you manage to fix the situation, tell your audience about it. Just do not pat yourself on the back for doing so.

Mistake #6: Not Evolving Your Brand Over Time

Your brand should evolve over time to stay relevant and reflect changes in your business. Do not be afraid to update your brand as your business grows and changes.

However, as mentioned above, it important to evolve your brand in a way that still aligns with your core values and mission. Rebranding can be a big undertaking, so have a solid plan in place before making any major changes.

Think of this as exterior decorating, while the interior should largely remain the same throughout these changes.

Ika Nizharadze

Ika Nizharadze

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