Color strength is often not considered significant, although marketers spend a lot of time on this important element. In fact, color is one of the most important factors that marketers and designers pay close attention to when creating a logo. Color strength is often not considered significant, although marketers spend a lot of time on this important element. In fact, color is one of the most important factors that marketers and designers pay close attention to when creating a logo.
Color evokes different emotions in a person. Red causes stimulation, appetite and also attracts attention, which is why they use red, Coca-Cola, Frito Lay and Budweiser. The blue color creates a feeling of trust and credibility - you can see this on logos such as Facebook, CitiBank and Samsung.
For more information on marketing color psychology, see the examples below.
Red causes: appetite, stimulation and attention;
The red color accelerates the human pulse;
Blue creates a sense of credibility with the brand;
Most people love the color;
Conveys professionalism and strength;
Blue is associated with decreased appetite and therefore it is not used by fast food brands;
Yellow is associated with optimism and happiness;
Stimulates mental processes;
The green color is chosen by brands or products that are eco-friendly;
Green attracts revenue and that is why it uses financial brands;
Association: Health, Fertility and Recreation;
Orange calls for action;
Acts on the impulsive buyer;
The brand is portrayed as fun and confident;
Conveys professionalism;
Black expresses authority and intellect;
Shows high quality and is perceived as a luxury item;
Variety of projects;
Brands use multiple colors to distinguish them from other brands;
Brands that use several colors represent different segments, countries, and offerings;